I’m Falling Apart

4 Apr

So, since last I wrote, I’ve come down with a really awesome sinus infection!  I’ve never had a sinus infection before, and I am here to tell you that it is a special and unique kind of torture!  Cool beans!

Ugh, it all began last Wednesday when I went to see the Hunger Games movie (sooo awesome; have a serious ladycrush on Jennifer Lawrence, it’s not right.)  My “allergies” seemed to escalate into something a little more, which included a sweet cornucopia of achy bod, terrible headache, sniffles, coughs, chills, and fever.  I slept like sh*t, but convinced myself I felt better and went to work in the morning… where I wound up being yelled at by work buddies to go the f*ck home leaving a few hours later and holed up on the couch for the rest of the day, reading the second Hunger Games book.  (By the way, I did in fact include the word “cornucopia” in tribute — yes, TRIBUTE– to the HG.)

Again, I slept like sh*t and didn’t even bother the charade of attending work the next day.  I did, however, drag my achy a$$ to physical therapy because fixing this “little” foot issue is, oh, sort of important to me….

The receptionist looked confused when I showed up (on time for my 1PM appointment) and said, “Oh, Katie, I didn’t think you were in the book ’til later on today.”  (Yes, they know me by name at the front desk of my PT by now and yes, this is f*cking sad.)  I checked my calendar and indeed, my appointment was at 2:30 and I had written that down, but for some reason in my confused and delirious state, decided my appointment was at 1.  Flustered, I told her I was running a fever, hadn’t even gone to work, and had to cancel even though I understood they would have to charge me.  (Damn.  It.)

Then, I went back home and holed back up on the couch.  A few hours later, I decided I felt better, so I packed up some stuff for the weekend and joined T to Manhattan to pick up our rental car and meet up with our friends Steve and Danielle for our trip to DC….

We had a blast in DC and I’m not sorry I went!  I mean, was sleeping on an aerobed in our friends’ living room the best thing for my cold?  Probably not.  Was sitting at a rooftop bar drinking Moo Thunder and playing Scattergories for hours just what the doctor ordered?  Hmmm, no… but it was *was* super fun.

One of the most delicious things one can find in a can

Sunday I spectated the crap out of the Cherry Blossom 10-miler.  I’m getting pretty good at this spectating sh*t…

Post-race in the Metro station with T, who did an awesome job, especially considering his training was nil. We won't talk about what a slap in the face it is that he CHOOSES NOT TO RUN, WHEN HE CAN! Argh. 😉

Monday after work, I went to a Flywheel class, which is where I realized and admitted that I was in a pretty sorry state.  I was spent before the first song was over, and basically phoned it in for the rest of the class.  My “score” was by far, the lowest I’ve ever gotten.  Flywheel gives you a “score” that gets higher and higher throughout the class the harder you work.  Typically, for a 45 minute class, I’m around a 230-250.  Monday, I didn’t even break 200.

When I got home that night, I found myself in an immense amount of pain in my jaw area, which was weird.  I attempted to knock myself out with NyQuil, but still did not sleep well.

I went to work yesterday, ’cause why not, then I went to the doctor, who confirmed that I had a sinus infection that had settled in nicely to my jaw area.  He also gave me sh*t for going to Flywheel while my body was fighting an infection.  (I thought maybe there was something to that whole “flushing out toxins”…. no?)  Anyhow, it feels like when I used to get my braces tightened, only about a million times more painful and awful.  Good stuff!  The jaw pain has only intensified to the point where I want to bash my head against my desk repeatedly.

… the good news is that I’m in too much pain to be uber depressed that my foot feels exactly the same as it did before the PRP injection…

WOMP WOMP DEBBIE DOWNER.  I’m seriously f*cking falling apart.

Tell me something good.  Are you a Hunger Games fan?  I got into it way late in the “game” (haha?) and am just now starting book 3, but I love the series.  I am usually pretty wary of things that have such a huge following like HG, but I have to admit there is a reason people love these books– ‘CAUSE THEY’RE AWESOME.

17 Responses to “I’m Falling Apart”

  1. Lori April 4, 2012 at 3:52 pm #

    Despite your body breaking down, I am glad to see that you have not lost your sense of humor! May the odds be in your favor that your foot, jaw and sinuses recover very soon. Take care of yourself! xoxo

    • Katie April 4, 2012 at 3:53 pm #

      I love you, and this comment.

  2. Josie April 4, 2012 at 3:52 pm #

    Arrrgh Katie! I was really hoping to see a “the PRP injection cured everything and I’ll see you guys on the Bridle path post”. Dang!! And now sick to boot? That sucks big time!! Sorry to hear.

    Rest up, drink lots of soup, eat lots frozen yogurt- nice soft foods. Hope your mouth and body and food all heal up very soon.

    And when you are feeling better- let’s go for beer 😉

    • Katie April 4, 2012 at 3:55 pm #

      Aw, it means a lot to me that you are keeping your hopes high for me. Thank you. 🙂 And YES, let’s def grab a beer! We will make it happen as soon as I recover from falling apart! (Geesh!)

  3. Celia April 4, 2012 at 4:42 pm #

    I love the Hunger Games! I think I did like the books a bit more than the movie but the movie was pretty awesome too!

    UGH. So sorry things aren’t going to well for you. I’d try to force you to go to my PT bc he was seriously the most amazing thing ever BUT HE JUST MOVED TO FLORIDA WITHOUT EVEN SAYING GOODBYE! (oops that wasn’t an amazing or positive thing :/) I am pretty depressed. Hope you feel better!

    • Katie April 5, 2012 at 8:47 am #

      Ugh, how rude of him! 😉

  4. kimra April 4, 2012 at 4:56 pm #

    True story: When I went back to PT in March, the lady at the front desk was all, “HI! Welcome back!! How ARE you???” and then — possibly tipped off by my glare — was like, “Oh. Right. I mean, sorry.”

    I was going to say something mean to your foot pain, but maybe if I ignore it it’ll go away, like pesky boys on the playground.

    I started the Hunger Games books on a plane last summer using the kindle app on my phone, and because of that I didn’t realize just how fast I was reading until I got to the big END OF BOOK ONE. I want to reread them now.

    • Katie April 5, 2012 at 8:48 am #

      Oh G-d. So you understand how truly depressing it is to be a “VIP” at the PT office. Blahhhh.

  5. Kristy (@RunTheLongRoad) April 4, 2012 at 6:11 pm #

    Holy sh*t, that sucks! That is one awful sinus infection. I had one once before and it was horrendous. I’d rather have a 48-hour stomach bug (at least you lose weight, is that bad?).

    I’m probably the only person on the planet that has no idea about the Hunger Games. I haven’t read the books or saw the movie. I definitely plan to though.

    Rest up and get well!

    • Katie April 5, 2012 at 8:51 am #

      Um, it is bad, but I totally agree re the stomach bug…
      You should read the HG books to distract you during taper madness!! Which is COMING UPPPP!!!!! 🙂

  6. Alli April 4, 2012 at 7:00 pm #

    It’s most impressive that this is your first sinus infection ever. I congratulate you for coming this far without one. Rest up, Katie!!

    Haven’t read the Hunger Games, but thinking about it now.

    A chronic sinus sufferer

    Ps. You still look great in the post race pic, sinus infection and all!

    • Katie April 5, 2012 at 8:51 am #

      Haha, thanks my love. xoxo

  7. thethinksicanthink April 4, 2012 at 10:25 pm #

    If nothing else, at least you can start training to be Katniss now? Take up archery until you’re back to running (yes, you will, one day, get back to running!)?

    I think the PRP injections do take some time to work….

    At least there is still Sprinkles cupcakes in the world?

    Tell the ol’ doc that I won beam at State at the age of 8 with a sinus infection so exercising is totally cool (ok, actually, prob shouldn’t work out with a fever)…

    • Katie April 5, 2012 at 8:52 am #

      Haha, so funny you say that because in response to my mom saying it’s too bad I don’t like swimming, I said, “I’m more likely to take up ARCHERY than swimming!” ❤ Katniss.
      Sprinkles cupcakes will always brighten my day… they probably shouldn't be brightening so many of my days though, seeing as how I'm not running and now not even really exercising… Blah.

  8. Sarah April 5, 2012 at 3:28 am #

    Ummm I am falling apart too, let’s remember I strained my rectus lifting a 90 lb dog into a bath tub, who in their right mind would think that’s a good idea and now have hopefully not screwed up my marathon. Also I totally buy into that flushing out the toxins crap here’s my mantra “if it’s in your head go ahead, if it’s in your chest rest” Take care friend, feel better!!!!!

    • Katie April 5, 2012 at 8:59 am #

      OMG, Sarah. I just read your post– I am so sorry! It sounds like you’re doing better now, though(?) Sounds like a hell of an experience. Sending you hugs. I’m sure you’ll be recovered for Eugene! Thanks for the well wishes! xoxo 🙂


  1. I’m Still Here « Katie's Sweaty Life - April 18, 2012

    […] still hitting up Flywheel as routinely as possible, though no longer the 6 AM class.  After I got really sick I realized I wasn’t taking very good care of myself and thus have tried to make fewer weekday […]

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